Construction Products Regulation (CPR)

All communication cables intended for permanent installation in building structures must be manufactured and evaluated in accordance with the harmonized European standard EN 50575 and labelled with a CE marking pursuant to the EU Construction Products Regulation 305/2011 since 1 July 2017.

What does CPR imply?

  • Cables placed on the market as construction products must comply with Regulation No. 305/2011 [1] of the European Union
  • CPR regulates the requirements on cables in terms of their reaction to fire
  • The regulations pertain to cables that are permanently installed in construction works (both above and below ground level)

What countries require CPR?

  • All countries in the European Union are requested to convert the new requirements into national regulations
  • Other countries will adopt the regulations (For example, Switzerland)

Why is CPR required?

  • CPR provides a harmonized set of standards so customers can easily confirm that cables meet the more stringent fire safety requirements in European standard EN 50575.
  • The LSZH certification is no longer consider adequately comprehensive to measure the fire safety performance of cables in the EU. However, all RFS CELLFLEX and RADIAFLEX cables with flame retardant jacket are still compliant to all applicable IEC fire safety standards that are used outside the EU countries

RFS flame retardant CELLFLEX® coaxial cables and RFS RADIAFLEX® radiating cables closely follow all legal and regulatory requirements notably with regard to fire safety aspects including the requirements defined by the European Construction Product Regulation (CPR) 305/2017.

The directive defines that both, coaxial feeder and radiating cables manufactured at RFS Hannover, in stationary in-building installations are subject to EU construction product regulation regarding CPR fire safety requirements according to EN50575 and classification according to EN13501-6. CPR covers the following test standards and test criteria:

  CPR Classification
B2ca Cca Dca Eca
Test Standard/Parameter        
IEC 60332-1-2 Flame Spread ≤ 425 mm ≤ 425 mm ≤ 425 mm ≤ 425 mm
EN50399 Flame Spread [m] ≤ 4.5 m ≤2.0 m - -
EN50399 Total Heat Release [MJ] ≤ 15 MJ ≤ 30 MJ ≤ 70 MJ -
EN50399 Peak Heat Release [kW] ≤ 30 kW ≤ 40 kW ≤ 400 kW -
EN50399 Fire Grow Rate [W/s] ≤ 150 Ws-1 ≤ 3000 Ws-1 ≤ 1300 Ws-1 -
    Additional Classification
EN50399 Smoke Emission s1, s2, s3 s1, s2, s3 s1, s2, s3 n.a.
EN61034 Smoke Density s1a, s1b s1a, s1b s1a, s1b n.a.
EN60754-2 Corrosivity a1, a2, a3 a1, a2, a3 a1, a2, a3 n.a.
EN50399 Burning Droplets  d0, d1, d2 d0, d1, d2 d0, d1, d2 n.a.

Particularly, the individual subclasses d0, d1 and d2 describe the level of droplets in case of a fire. Burning particles might ignite other cables or construction elements. Only class d0 avoids any kind of burning particles to ensure the highest level of safety – particularly important for installation in buildings and tunnels.

CELLFLEX Feeder Cable CPR Class
CPR feeder types
LCFS114-50CPR B2ca s1a d1 a1
LCFS114-50CPR+ B2ca s1a d0 a1
LCF158-50CPR B2ca s1a d0 a1
JFN feeder types
LCF14-50JFN B2ca s1a d1 a1
SCF38-50JFN B2ca s1a d0 a1
SCF12-50JFN B2ca s1a d1 a1
LCF12-50JFN B2ca s1a d1 a1
LCF78-50JFNA B2ca s1a d1 a1
LCFS114-50JFNA B2ca s1b d2 a1
LCF158-50JFNA Cca s1a d2 a1
J feeder types
All SCF/LCF jacket option «J» F, not classified since none of the CPR classes «A» to «E» will be met


RADIAFLEX Radiating Cables CPR Class
CPR radiating cables
RLK, ALF types 1/2" B2ca s1a d0 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 7/8" B2ca s1a d0 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 1-1/4" B2ca s1b d0 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 1-5/8" B2ca s1a d0 a1
JFL radiating cables
RLK, ALF types 1/2" Cca s1a d0 a1
RSF12-50JFL Cca s1a d2 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 7/8" Dca s1b d2 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 1-1/4" Dca s1b d2 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 1-5/8" Cca s1b d1 a1
JFN radiating cables

RE60 radiating waveguide

Cca s1 d2 a1
RLK, ALF types 1/2" Cca s1a d2 a1
RCF12-50JFN Cca s1b d2 a1
RCF78-50JFNA Cca s2 d1 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 7/8" Dca s1b d2 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 1-1/4" Dca s1b d2 a1
RLK, RLF, RAY types 1-5/8" Dca s2 d2 a1

RFS produces cables at different locations. Depending on the production site, there are different declaration of performance documents. Please check the folder DOP plant Hanover and DOP plant Suzhou.