February 27, 2020

RFS France gets 89 points out of 100 in the French Gender Equality Index 2019

This note reflects the integrity of our company on this issue, which has already been dealt with internally for many years.


Resulting from the French law "Liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel", RFS FRANCE proceeded to calculate its index of professional equality between women and men.

This index is calculated in application of the four regulatory criteria:

  • The pay gap between women and men
  • The difference in rates of individual wage increases between women and men
  • The share of employees who benefited from an increase in the year after their return from maternity leave
  • The number of employees of the underrepresented sex among the 10 employees who received the highest remuneration

The score of 89 out of 100 is awarded for the year 2019.

This note reflects the integrity of our company on this issue, which has already been dealt with internally for many years.

Read more about the Gender Equality Index.