May 19, 2014

Bend-Insensitive Fiber Jumpers for Last Mile Fiber Connections

RFS introduces 100% Pre-Tested Assemblies to complement RFS’ HYBRIFLEX Portfolio


Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) now offers robust, bend insensitive, single-mode fiber assemblies. Available with 1, 3, 6 or 12 pairs of SM fiber, they are a great solution for last-mile fiber connections, such as between patch panels, distribution boxes, and BBUs. Several lengths are available for each model number.

Complementing RFS’s HYBRIFLEX™ portfolio, 100% of these fiber assemblies are pre-tested and certified by RFS for insertion loss, return loss and reflectance, and will ensure an end-to end reliable and high-quality install to your HTTA (HYBRIFLEX to the antenna) deployment.

Packaging includes a Pulling Sock, which offers protection to the LC connectors, and also can be used to hoist the fiber through cable trays, speeding up your installation.

Features Benefits
Robust, bend insensitive fiber design Eases installation and provides long-term reliability
All fibers are numbered Easy identification system saves time
100% factory tested Ensures a high-quality, durable product
Packaging includes a Pulling Sock Protects the jumper assembly and speeds up the installation process
On-line test results available Easy access to test data in the field eliminates downtime

Request product information on the Fiber-Only Jumpers