4.3-10 Female Straight Connector for 1 1/4" Coaxial Cable, OMNI FIT™ Premium, O-Ring and compression sealing

Rev : B | Rev date : 06 May 2024
OMNI FIT™ high performance connectors are designed for use with both CELLFLEX® (copper) and CELLFLEX® Lite (aluminium) cables. They are designed specifically to provide the highest quality connector-cable interface while simplifying and speeding up connector attachment. All RFS connectors are fully tested for mechanical and electrical compliance to industry specifications.
The 4.3-10 connector is an innovative, space-saving RF connection meeting all requirements even under the most severe environmental conditions and not relying on coupling nut torque. Sealing against outer conductor and jacket by means of the o-ring and 360° compression fit. Multifunctional, self-lubricating HighTech polymer assembly locks on cable corrugation, avoids electrochemical potential differences and compression-fits to the jacket.


  • Ultra high PIM performance i.e. reduced interference leading to high customer satisfaction
  • Two-piece design i.e. visual inspection of interlocking leads to improved installation security
  • OMNI FIT™ concept i.e. streamlined order management and reduced stock level
  • Watertight sealing in mated and unmated condition, i.e. reduced efforts during installation and improved security during operation
  • Tri metal alloy plating i.e. extreme resistance against corrosion even under hardest climatic and environmental circumstances
  • Multi-thread (Tristart) design i.e. simplified and accelerated tightening process
  • RoHS (EU) and CRoHS (China) compliant i.e. can be used on a global basis

Technical features

General Specifications

Transmission Line TypeCoaxial Cable
Cable Size1 1/4
Cable TypeFoam Dielectric
Connector Interface4.3-10
Connector Type


Sealing Method
Sealing Rubber + 360° Clamping

Electrical Specifications

Nominal Impedance, ohmsOhm50
3rd Order IM Product @ 2x20 Watts dBc

-163 ; typical -167

Maximum Frequency GHz4
VSWR, Return LossVSWR (dB)0 < f ≤ 1.0 GHz: 1.02 (40)
1.0 < f ≤ 2.2 GHz: 1.04 (34)
2.2 < f ≤ 2.7 GHz: 1.06 (31)
2.7 < f ≤ 3.6 GHz: 1.08 (28)

Mechanical Specifications

Plating Outer/InnerTri metal alloy / Silver
Length mm (in)82.55 (3.25)
Outer Diameter mm (in)50.95 (2)
Inner Contact AttachmentBasket
Outer Contact Attachment360° clamping


Wrench size front mm (in)48
Wrench size rear mm (in)48

Testing and Environmental

Waterproof LevelIP68

External Document Links
