1-5/8" RADIAFLEX® RLKU Cable, A-series

Rev : E | Rev date : 22 Aug 2024
  • RADIAFLEX® functions as a distributed antenna to provide communications in tunnels, mines and large building complexes and is the solution for any application in confined areas.
  • Slots in the copper outer conductor allow a controlled portion of the internal RF energy to be radiated into the surrounding environment. Conversely, a signal transmitted near the cable will couple into the slots and be carried along the cable length.
  • RADIAFLEX® is used for both one-way and two-way communication systems and because of its broadband capability, a single radiating cable can handle multiple communication systems simultaneously.
  • This RADIAFLEX® radiating cable utilize a low-loss cellular polyethylene foam dielectric and a smooth copper outer conductor which offers a superior electrical performance together with good bending properties.


  • Ultra wideband from 30 MHz to 2700 MHz
  • For applications in tunnels and buildings
  • Low coupling loss variations
  • Lowest insertion loss and excellent coupling performance to minimize count of active equipment
  • Best-in-class, RF ultra wideband radiating cable, accomodating all current and future commercial radio and private radio service from 30 MHz to 2700 MHz

RLK cable, A-series

Technical features

General Specifications


Electrical Specifications

Max. Operating Frequency MHz2700
Cable TypeRLKU
ImpedanceOhm50 +/- 2
Velocity, percent%90
Capacitance pF/m (pF/ft)73 (23.2)
Inductance, uH/m (uH/ft)µH/m (µH/ft)0.19 (0.058)
DC-resistance inner conductor, ohm/km (ohm/1000ft)Ω/km (Ω/1000ft)1.62 (0.49)
DC-resistance outer conductor, ohm/km (ohm/1000ft)Ω/km (Ω/1000ft)1.47 (0.45)
Stop bands MHz540-610
Frequency Selection MHz600, 900, 1800/1900, 2200, 2400, 2500, 2700

Mechanical Specifications

Jacket DescriptionHalogen free, non corrosive, flame and fire retardant, low smoke, polyolefin
Slot DesignGroups of vertical slots at short intervals
Inner Conductor MaterialCorrugated Copper Tube
Outer Conductor MaterialOverlapping Copper Strip
Diameter Inner Conductor mm (in)17.6 (0.69)
Diameter Outer Conductor mm (in)44.2 (1.74)
Diameter over Jacket Nominal mm (in)48.2 (1.9)
Minimum Bending Radius, Single Bend mm (in)700 (28)
Cable Weight kg/m (lb/ft)1 (0.68)
Tensile ForceN (lb)1200 (270)
Indication of Slot AlignmentGuides opposite to slots
Recommended / Maximum Clamp Spacing m (ft)1.5 (5)
Minimum Distance to Wall mm (in)80 (3.15)

Testing and Environmental

Jacket Testing MethodsTest methods for fire behaviour of cable :
IEC 60754-1/-2 smoke emission: halogen free, non corrosive
IEC 61034 low smoke
IEC 60332-1 flame retardant
IEC 60332-3-24 fire retardant
UL1666, ASTM E 662, NES711 and NES713

Temperature Specifications

Storage Temperature °C(°F)-70 to 85 (-94 to 185 )
Installation Temperature °C(°F)-25 to 60 (-13 to 140 )
Operation Temperature °C(°F)-40 to 85 (-40 to 185 )

Attenuation and Power Rating

Frequency, MHzLongitudinal Loss, dB/100 m (dB/100 ft)Coupling Loss 50%, dBCoupling Loss 95%, dB
75 0,55 (0,17) 70 (75) 78 (82)
150 0,81 (0,25) 70 (75) 78 (82)
700 2,00 (0,61) 69 (71) 71 (74)
800 2,17 (0,66) 67 (71) 68 (73)
870 2,29 (0,70) 67 (72) 69 (74)
900 2,32 (0,71) 68 (72) 70 (75)
960 2,43 (0,74) 66 (70) 69 (73)
1700 3,57 (1,09) 65 (69) 70 (74)
1800 3,70 (1,13) 62 (66) 65 (70)
1900 3,95 (1,20) 62 (66) 65 (70)
2000 4,15 (1,27) 63 (67) 67 (72)
2100 4,41 (1,34) 62 (66) 66 (71)
2200 4,62 (1,41) 62 (66) 66 (71)
2400 5,18 (1,58) 63 (68) 67 (71)
2600 5,80 (1,77) 61 (65) 64 (68)
2700 5,96 (1,82) 63 (66) 67 (70)

External Document Links


  • Coupling loss as well as longitudinal attenuation of RADIAFLEX® cables are measured by the free space method according to IEC 61196-4.
  • Coupling loss values are measured with a radial (below 540 MHz) or parallel (above 610 MHz) orientated dipole antenna.
  • The coupling loss values given in brackets are average values of all three spatial orientations (radial, parallel and orthogonal) of dipole antenna.
  • Coupling loss values are given with a tolerance of +5 dB and longitudinal loss values with a tolerance of +5%. Note: Measured values below nominal are better. They are not limited by any tolerance-range.
  • In case of a conflict of operational and stop band, please contact RFS for further assistance.
  • As with any radiating cable, the performance in building or tunnel environments may deviate from figures based on free space method.
